WH_Ed114.ZIP includes README.TXT 1996-10-27 This file. WH_wEdit.EXE 1996-10-27 A Windows help file editor, v. 1.14. FILE_ID.DIZ 1996-10-27 Identification file. Windows help files can have their initial window position and size defined at compile time - secondary windows in help files even must have these properties defined. The position and size are defined as fractions of the display screen, and therefore it can give inconveniences to carry help files between different graphics platforms. The WH_wEdit program can edit Windows help files compiled with the HC31 or HCP help file compilers. WH_wEdit will let you edit both the windows' size and position, and the background colors of the header and text sections of the windows. Help files compiled with the HC30 compiler cannot be edited as the HC30 compiler does not support a [WINDOWS] section in the Help Project File. WH_wEdit also facilitates macro editing. Windows help file macros perform initialization when the file is loaded by WinHelp. For example, if browsing is enabled (i.e. if << and >> pushbuttons are available) the help file will include the macro BrowseButtons() which instructs WinHelp to show the pushbuttons on the button bar. Macro editing is a delicate matter, and you should not use the macro editor unless you know what you are doing. You will get the same warning every time you enable the editor after you have loaded WH_wEdit. For professional help file authors only: If you start WH_wEdit with four positive integers as parameters, the macro editor window is opened unconditionally without any warning, with position and size defined by the four integers (20 320 550 250 is fine for 800x600+). Only professional help file authors should use this option. Version 1.12+ of WH_wEdit accepts Windows 95 type help files. It can also open all observed kinds of .MVB (Mulitmedia Viewer Book) files, however, it cannot edit the windows properties of MVB type 27 files. It will let you know if you open such file. The program recognizes four types of help files: 15 Windows 3.0 files (no windows to edit) 21 Windows 3.1 files and .MVB files 27 .MVB files (position/size/colors cannot be edited) 33 Windows 95 files The size of a help file is defined in the file's header. If the physical file is longer than this size, WH_wEdit will offer to truncate the file. WH_wEdit cannot edit the file unless it is truncated. A 72 bytes appendix has been observed to files compiled with RoboHelp. No problems have been observed truncating such help files. However, truncation is irreversible, so be sure to have a copy of your help file before you let WH_wEdit truncate it. WH_wEdit is a Windows application program. It is straightforward to use and has these few lines of online help: Select a Help file from the "File" menu Select a window to edit from the "Windows" list Check appropriate "Defined" checkboxes to enable editing Click on the "Change" pushbutton to facilitate editing Select the "Edit" menu to enable macros editing The "WH_wEdit Sample" position and size editor window and the "Color" editor window have separate online help. The Macros Editor operates almost identical to Windows' NotePad editor. It includes copy and paste, so that you can copy macros from one help file - or other sources - to the clipboard, and paste them into other help files. A few hints are appropriate, though. File|Save will save the current state of a file unconditionally. File|Open and File|Exit will notify the user about changes selectively to the Windows part and in the Macros editor, and a save can be accepted or refused individually; selecting Cancel in any of these two windows will return you to the current state of the editor. If any changes were refused, and opening of a file was then canceled in the Open dialog box, then the changes will remain in the editor, but they are marked as saved. Text can be entered in the Macros editor even if no file is open; WH_wEdit will offer to copy the editor's contents to the clipboard if you attempt to save this text or to open a file. The program can report the following errors: Cannot open Not found, or readonly has unknown format Probably not a help file was compiled with HC30, can't edit No windows to edit Insufficient heap for windows in More local memory needed No windows were defined in *) Compiled without definitions Cannot reopen for update Another application deleted Length of has changed, can't update or changed the help file Nothing to save Attempt to save unedited file Window clipped at screen edge Parts of sample off screen has MVB type 27 windows. WH_wEdit cannot edit position, size and colors of these windows. *) Format not supported Known/Unknown appendix bytes long. Truncate after help file? Truncate in order to edit *) These are not error messages if the Macros Editor is enabled, then the macros can be edited. There are 16 more possible errors concerning the help file format. I would appreciate to be informed if an error message appear not listed above, or if the "Insufficient heap" message appears. WH_wEdit is copyright (C) 1994-1996 Bent Lynggaard. The program is freeware, thus it can be used without any registering. It may be distributed from Bulletin Board Services. The program may not be included in any commercial software package or shareware package without my permission. It may be included in public domain and freeware software packages provided that: 1. It is included in the original WH_Ed114.ZIP package together with this README file, and with my PKZIP authenticity code intact (KJO555). 2. It is included in the package for a specific help file editing purpose. I would appreciate to be notified if WH_wEdit is included in a public domain package. WH_wEdit is supplied without any warranties. Make backups of your help files before you edit them. 1996-10-27. Bent Lynggaard on Internet.